Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween Mask

This a ceramic mask I finished last week that was bisque fired and painted with water colors. It is about 15 inches tall and weighs between 5 and 10 pounds. I have not made a mask in months, although it was something I used to do quite often. To see more check out my website at:

I thought this one was appropriate for "Trick or Treat" because it is kind of macabre and could be worn as part of a costume.

Please excuse the mediocre photo; although I think the lighting adds to the mood.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

ChaDes: Ferocious Gator

ChaDes has resurfaced as a "ferocious gator." These are my entries. The top was the first idea that came to mind, and the bottom is more of an actual character design.

Friday, October 12, 2007

IF: Extreme

I ussually try to create new images based on the subject of IF, but this is an exception. When I thought about extreme this image came to my head. When I tried to think of another idea, this image came into my head. So, here it is.
Extreme view points bring people and countries to this place. What is more extreme than concluding that your emassary is so wrong that the only sollution is to kill them. In the end, even if you succeed, you have killed a part of your self in the process.

Monday, October 8, 2007

IF: Open

I originally thought I would show an old picture that I titled "A Look Inside: An Open Mind." But I wanted to be open about myself with the art. An Open Book makes sense to me, and is somewhat cliche, but I thought I would do it in a new way. It has large hands and feet because those are my favorite things to draw. You probably can't read the text but it says everything and nothing about myself.

The Office

I must admit I am a fan of the Office. If you saw the season premier you may recall a conversation about gods to be worshiped. Michael mention a Walrus with a Sea lion head, An Egret with a Miercat head, and a Porcupine with the head of a monkey and antlers. This stirred up images in my head that I had to draw. I hope you all enjoy these as much as I do.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Blues: Part Two

This is the first image of the blues that comes to my mind when I think of the blues. A no name Song writer that wears his sunglasses 24 hours a day. He plays a mean rythmic guitar and howls from the soul. He just lost his job, his old lady, his dog, his car, his house and is on the verge of, or has already sold his soul. He whales on the porch of a considerate friend's house on an uncomfortable chair under a tin roof that clanks with the first drops of hard rain. The heart of the blues is not showmanship or the spotlight, it is the soul of a singer being poured out to God and whoever else will listen to his/her plea.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Blues: Part One

I love the blues. The soul, the sound, the history. I think of the roots of rock music, the influence on jazz, the jam. The oppression that brought this heart felt music and the further exploitation when it was stolen and commercialized.

This Blues installment is a dedication to John Lee Hooker, one of my favorite Blues players. He best know for "Boom, Boom, Boom," and "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer," which are classics. If you listen to his work you can hear the roots of Hendrix, Clapton, and Rock'n'Roll as we know it. I saw him once and he was more entertaining at 75 years old than most other musicians are at 25 years old.

This is my slick installment, done in vector, to show the slick showmanship of hooker. My next installment will be about the roots of the blues, and will be more gritty.